So...TOAST world headquarters are currently located in the re-finished garage of my current home (a should-have-been-tear-down we purchased just over a year ago as another one of our 'project' houses- this is the 4th house my husband and I have done since we have been married). We drywalled, installed lights, put in French doors, painted the floor white (maybe not the best choice- but it looked awesome at the time), put a huge seagrass rug in- it looks great- you would never know it was a garage except for the garage door....trying to figure out a way to un-gargage door the garage door....will keep you posted. I will put up pictures of the wonderful space soon- as soon as I get my Christmas decor put away.
In the meantime- I wanted to share a bit more about the surroundings of TOAST and part of what makes us who we are. I clearly have a thing for flowers and when we moved into this house it was void of anything flower-y anywhere. There was only a gopher ridden field of weeds. So a year and LOTS of gopher wire later, I am looking to transform the beds of weeds into beautiful gardens. Part of my New Years to do list is to gardenize the house (yes, a word, I'm sure). After reading that daffodils and other bulbs are a natural deterrent for gophers, I went a little crazy and bought a few bulbs- well, 600 of them. It sounded like a great idea at the time- until I started digging the holes for them. I've only managed to get about 100 of them in the ground and my arms hurt. 500 more to go. SH.
Hopefully, by the time I am done, the dirt around the TOAST office will be covered in gorgeous flowers...including the 25 David Austin Roses that I bought last year hoping we would be ready to plant them last spring...they sat in a pot for a year. Above- the pics of the bulbs in their 'before' state and then the hopeful pictures of what they will become. And some of my favorite roses....
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